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Questions? Contact Us

Questions? Our Customer Service team is happy to help. You can also find many of the answers you’re looking for with just a click of a button. See All Help & Info Topics to find helpful information ASAP.



Need an ASAP answer? Contact us via chat, 24/7! For existing furniture orders, please call us.

You can text us at +919599451256 — or click on the “text us” link below — to chat with a support agent via text message / SMS and to consent to receiving text messages for that purpose. Please allow the system to acknowledge a simple greeting (even “Hi” will do!) before providing your question/order details. Consent not required for any purchase. Message and data rates may apply. Text messaging may not be available via all carriers.

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Prefer to speak with a customer service representative?
Call +919599451256 between the hours of 9AM–6PM and we’ll be happy to help!
Please note: 




To send us a private or direct message, like @thkgrlz on Facebook or follow us on Twitter. We’ll get back to you ASAP. Please include your name, order number, and email address for a faster response! 

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